Apr 28, 2008

Science and Religion redux

Since the beginning of thought, there’s been a disconnect between science and religion. Science has always been about the observable, namely energy. Religion has been about the unobservable, namely spirit (awareness). It’s as if they were two different things.

It could be useful to look at them as different sides of the same thing. Einstein gave us the concept of E = m, the two sides of energy. E, electromagnetic energy, is the non-material (spiritual) aspect of energy. Mass is matter, the material aspect of energy. Both consist of exactly the same particles of energy. So what’s the difference? As Harry, an un-notable physicist once told me, “It’s the spin, baby; it’s all in the SPIN!” As it turned out, particles of E (the spiritual, non-material aspect of energy) have twice the spin of the particles making up matter. Otherwise, they’re the same.

If that’s true, then science and religion are talking about the same thing, just from two sides – two different points of view. At least eastern religions are - western religions only talk about one side, spirit, the positive/E side of the equation. They basically ignore one part of reality.

So is electromagnetic energy really God? Is the sun God? Is the Earth God? If they aren’t, then God is limited. And who would want to believe in a limited god!?

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

We live in a world in which anguish necessarily results from an existence bounded by our endless mundane preoccupations. As Dom Aelred Graham observes "it leaves the depths of the spirit unplumbed".
I look forward to exploring these depths with Peter on his blog site.