Mar 29, 2008


Thanks to John for the first submitted Haiku!

Universe is God
Everything seen and unseen
Treat with respect!

Would seem to be a valid demand.

Mar 28, 2008

Energy as love

Energy as love? Who are we limited beings to say that the strong force – the incredibly energetic union (coupling) of the positive/negative (male/female) quarks (the basis of protons and neutrons), which are continually exchanging virtual gluons – is not a form of love? And consider the sun, continually giving earth light and awareness with no thought of reward. How can we know what love really is?

Man as love

The natural state of man must be love. But because man is seemingly separate, love usually becomes self directed. The strongest instinct of an individual is self preservation; love of self/I. On the other hand, the highest form of love is considered self-sacrifice (not-I).

Mar 26, 2008

Dark energy

Dark energy is a complete mystery. It is truly supernatural, beyond anything in nature. It is formless and omnipresent, permeating the universe, present in all space. One could think of it as being a different dimension, beyond space/time. But because it permeates space/time, it becomes the only known candidate for the medium through which electromagnetic particles/waves (including light) propagate. And it is also the only bet for the medium in which matter (negative energy) exists.

When considering God as energy, the two forms of God as E and matter proves God's immanence in the universe. When considering God in the form of dark energy, God is transcendent – a unity.

When considering God as awareness, God as individuated awareness (I) makes up all life in the universe (and by extension all "non-life"). God as transcendent awareness (not-I), is formless, undifferentiated and omni-present - the same as dark energy. Dark energy is then the transcendent state of God/Awareness. Though the names given by religions differ (Holy Spirit, Allah, Tao, Buddha Nature, Brahma, Void, Absolute Bliss…), the essence is the same. It is the state of heaven, unity, and non-separateness; our true home. It is the opposite of Iness, and unknowable by I.

Mar 25, 2008

Awareness = Energy

Awareness is energy. So energy is aware – more exact would be that energy is awareness itself – so what is it aware of? Light is simply aware of being light. The strong force is aware of itself. Not-I is aware of not-Iness (love). However, “I” is only aware of I-ness, of being a separate point of awareness. I only know what I am aware of. With a lot of empathy, I can imagine what other life forms are aware of, but can’t even guess what non-life forms such as protons are aware of. Can a human (“I”) possibly comprehend this? No. The only way to know not-I is to become not-I, in which case there is no I left to comprehend.

Personal experience tells me I am both energy (life force/breath) and awareness/consciousness. Both exit the body at death, which would indicate their identicality as spirit. The Christian spirit/soul is analogous to the Chinese chi and Zen mu.

Question: energy follows certain laws, such as conservation of energy; energy cannot be created or destroyed, only turned into a different form. “Alive,” e/a is electromagnetic energy manifested as matter. “Dead,” it can only be electromagnetic energy itself (spirit/soul). If it is true that ultimate heaven is not-I (dark energy), what is a soul to do? It can’t disappear into the void of dark e, for the individual e/a would be disappearing, which would be against the laws governing energy. Of course, awareness energy could be a separate form of energy; a fourth form which may not follow the laws of the other forms. That would account for anomalies (such as miracles), but it sure would complicate this theory!

Mar 24, 2008


So what is it that is aware? When searching inside, all that can ultimately be found is awareness itself. An individual (“I”) is simply a unique, very limited point of view of awareness itself, expressed as both “I” and “not-I.”

Being awareness itself, God then must know all.
Since God is spirit (by definition), spirit is awareness, both immanent (as I) and transcendent (as not-I).

Mar 20, 2008

About energy

So far, man has discovered 3 forms of energy which make up the universe, everything seen and unseen. One form is radiating, or positive energy, of which there are two general types: electromagnetic energy and the weak force (nuclear decay). The sun, carbon burning and the heat of our own bodies are the most familiar examples of radiant energy. Radiant energy is a result of chemical reactions of matter, and is carried by bosons, such as photons, which are elementary particles.

Matter is made of elementary charged particles of energy (Fermions) and their combinations held together by contractive (negative) energy, the known different levels being the strong force, nuclear force and gravity.

The interesting thing is that elementary bosons and fermions are exactly the same bits of energy. The only difference is their spin: bosons have 1, fermions ½ (either plus or minus). The double spin for bosons (photons) somehow allows them to be indiscreet, so they can be in the same place at the same time. On the other hand, fermions (the basis of matter) are discrete, thus cannot be in the same place at the same time. That's why matter seems to be “solid.” The virtual nature of photons, considered with their mass of 0, qualifies them as non-matter. However, it’s important to note that light, although non-matter, is still individuated (in the form of separate quanta/photons/waves).

The third form is dark energy. Also known as vacuum energy, it's a complete mystery. It is truly supernatural, beyond anything in nature. It is formless and omnipresent, permeating the universe, present in all space. It is undifferentiated and unobserved. The only evidence of its existence is its necessity in order to explain how the rest of the universe acts.