Mar 25, 2008

Awareness = Energy

Awareness is energy. So energy is aware – more exact would be that energy is awareness itself – so what is it aware of? Light is simply aware of being light. The strong force is aware of itself. Not-I is aware of not-Iness (love). However, “I” is only aware of I-ness, of being a separate point of awareness. I only know what I am aware of. With a lot of empathy, I can imagine what other life forms are aware of, but can’t even guess what non-life forms such as protons are aware of. Can a human (“I”) possibly comprehend this? No. The only way to know not-I is to become not-I, in which case there is no I left to comprehend.

Personal experience tells me I am both energy (life force/breath) and awareness/consciousness. Both exit the body at death, which would indicate their identicality as spirit. The Christian spirit/soul is analogous to the Chinese chi and Zen mu.

Question: energy follows certain laws, such as conservation of energy; energy cannot be created or destroyed, only turned into a different form. “Alive,” e/a is electromagnetic energy manifested as matter. “Dead,” it can only be electromagnetic energy itself (spirit/soul). If it is true that ultimate heaven is not-I (dark energy), what is a soul to do? It can’t disappear into the void of dark e, for the individual e/a would be disappearing, which would be against the laws governing energy. Of course, awareness energy could be a separate form of energy; a fourth form which may not follow the laws of the other forms. That would account for anomalies (such as miracles), but it sure would complicate this theory!

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