Apr 22, 2008

Earth Day

Imagine, 1 billion people doing something on Earth Day! I can’t. But I thought I’d join the crowd. So I walked to school this morning (though I rode my motorbike in the afternoon – it was too hot (a poor excuse, but don’t come to Saigon in April!)). And then we discussed it in my class (I learned that by 2040, over half of the Mekong Delta will be unsuitable for agriculture because of the rising sea level!). And then I was talking with Mary Jane, and she suggested we write something about it, like how it relates to Haiku God. Well, basically, the Earth IS Haiku God, in the form of matter (contractive energy). “Mother” Earth as contractive energy is one side of the equation (E=mc2). The other side is E, electromagnetic energy (spirit). Unfortunately, most westerners only think about and worship this form of Haiku God, the “God” which appeared in the burning bush as electromagnetic energy. This is the masculine side of Haiku God, as opposed to “Mother” Earth, which is being raped and trashed.

Does this make Haiku God mad? By definition It is beyond emotion, only being unconditional love. However, Haiku God as man is starting to get pissed off, and it’s probably about time. The big question to me is: will enough people get concerned enough to get something done about it? Or is it too late?


Hot... said...

I have no comment on this blogentry but only one question : why don't you put some photos of Mother Earth to decorate your article a bit ? :)

Editor said...

Good idea! Now I just have to figure out how to do it.