Apr 19, 2008

More on becoming not-I

In my last post, I ended by saying "good luck," because I have been trying for 30 odd years to live in the state of not-I, and haven't had much luck. I have glimpsed and tasted not-I, enough to know it exists and is far superior to the state of I, but I seem to like being I too much to give it up. Adding to that the necessity of practicing self-discipline to achieve a state of not-I, my chances of living in that state are much diminished. So again I say, good luck!


Hotdzit said...

You wrote:
"I have glimpsed and tasted not-I, enough to know it exists..."

You are sooooo lucky to get that ENOUGH taste.

You also wrote:
"...and is far superior to the state of I, but I seem to like being I too much to give it up"

hehehe... you are not the only one having that tendency of liking being I :) So ... don't worry! be happy! :)

Phyllis said...

Do you REALLY like being "I" that much? If so, why are you meddling with anything which involves the transcendent?
How about the truth (and it is) that we must lose ourselves to find ourselves? Surely that small attempt at self discipline will be amply rewarded....
I speak as one with a monkey mind like yours, coming by it naturally in our birth years. An effort? Sure. But what other "work" is as profitable......