Apr 13, 2008

Purpose of Life

I was asked, “so what’s this Haiku God thing mean?” Well, I thought, in reality there is no meaning, just isness. But man needs meaning and purpose. Well, the primary purpose of all life is staying alive. After that, some life seeks security; staying alive in the future. And some life, including man, adds a third purpose, pleasure. There are two kinds of pleasure, material and spiritual. Material pleasure is directed at I, spiritual pleasure comes from outward direction (giving/not-I). From all accounts, spiritual pleasure is far superior to material pleasure. So the obvious purpose of man’s life should be to attain spiritual pleasure, which means becoming not-I. The more not-I one becomes, the greater the spiritual pleasure (the more you love, the more you get). Of course "I" can never experience the ultimate pleasure of being completely not-I. Well, something experiences it, and it can only be awareness itself. So I disappear, undifferentiated awareness remains. That would be Heaven, Nirvana.

So I answered “awareness.”

1 comment:

Hot... said...

You wrote:

So the obvious purpose of man’s life should be to attain spiritual pleasure, which means becoming not-I.

Don't you think concentrating in " I " is an extreme and becoming "not-I" is another extreme ?