Jul 7, 2008

End of Irrigating

My last evening on the ranch was spent in Tiger's Meadow (the Hay Side). How time flies when you're not aware of it.

Am now in Denver, awaiting the birth of my first grandchild, three days overdue. Nice to have some free time to be with family.

Is any time really free?



Hot... said...

Please give your first grandchild a big kiss from me!

If I were there when he is born, I'll sing "The hills are alive ... with the sound of music.." for him and his beloved mother Leelee. Do you know why I chose this song? Cause' your photo in this blogentry told me so :)

Anonymous said...

Please, send a big hug to LeeLee and her new born boy. Wish they all are well. BABY cries loud, eats a lot.

Lot of love from Doan Family.