Jul 22, 2008

Welcome! And Good Luck to You.

Finally, a new manifestation of Haiku God has been born into the Leonard family. Named Thatcher Gray, he was merely one of gigillions of unique life-forms (points of awareness/energy) appearing on that day, but to us, understandably something special. Especially considering that 100 years ago he and quite possibly his mother would be dead now, as they would have lacked the aid of modern medicine; namely C sections. Lucky for us!

From his hand and body movements, we surmise that he is the reincarnation of an Oriental soul, perhaps a dancer. How does this work?

Haikugod theory holds that an individual life (I) rises up like a wave out of the ocean of undifferentiated awareness/energy (not-I, or dark energy), and when dead, sinks back into the ocean losing its individuality and becoming not-I again (the state of true heaven). However, when an I gets attached to itself, it becomes selfish rather than selfless, and cannot return to selflessness. In Haikugodspeak, we would say it remains an individuated locus of awareness/energy existing in the spiritual field.

Following the cyclical nature of Nature (Haikugod), this locus alternates in form between disembodied spirit and matter. When becoming matter, it is reincarnated (reborn). The amount of time between rebirths and the type of rebirth are determined by the frequency of the locus – the lower the frequency, the longer the spiritual interregnum (and the “better” the state of rebirth). (For detailed information about the post-death experiences of the I, consult the Tibetan Book of the Dead)

So imagine – you die. If you have been selfless during your life (not-I), you will be selfless after death, automatically giving up your I and merging with the pure white light of not-Iness (heaven/dark energy). But if you have been selfish (Iness), you cannot become not-I, so remain an individual soul, wandering through the realms of separateness.

Most Christians agree with this concept to a point. Supposedly there are three possible states after death: heaven, purgatory, and hell, depending on your karma. Heaven is usually considered a spiritual state, but purgatory and hell are definitely temporal states, as we see all around us every day. Most of us are reborn into states of purgatory, but we certainly see a lot of individuals living in hell.

Where Christianity falls short is that the concept of resurrection implies continued separateness, the continued existence of an “I” who experiences “heaven.” It doesn’t seem to acknowledge that I can disappear, leaving not-I (Christ), the state of selflessness and love which is true heaven, true home.

So what’s the point? Discover true heaven now (be selfless), so you don’t have to continue in the cycle. Unless you believe the cycle is where it’s at.



Hotdzit said...

Dear Thatcher Gray.

Are you talking to yourself : " Hum! Why do grandpa put me among those words ! I understand none of them!" ?

Welcome to the wonderful weird world :)

Di` U't

Editor said...

So true! All the words in the world cannot bring understanding of immediate experience. And no words can describe the experiences of I/not I. It is weird for sure!