Jun 24, 2008

Dry Spots

Dry spots are starting to show up, the sure sign of a lax irrigator. Perhaps from meditating (concentrating) on something else.

There would seem to be two different kinds of meditation. Passive (stable) meditation would be for the times you want to be Not-I, beyond your individual self. How can we switch off I? First, the body should be stable, or the energy won’t flow. Then, your brain should be calm (the brain iswhere I is centered). Then logic would say that you must transcend your individual senses, so that you are no longer aware of outside stuff, but only inside (aware of awareness itself, or universal awareness: the other state of Awareness – Not-I). This is what mystics say is the oneness of awareness; true peace, clarity, light, love; what’s known as dark energy, that great mystery (also called God).

The second kind would be active meditation (normal life). In this kind of meditation, one just concentrates on whatever is happening in the present moment (normal life). Seems to me that the point of active meditation is the same as passive – to become Not-I, to actually live in the oneness of awareness. Wow, wouldn’t that be great?

My big problem is with the second kind. I get so sidetracked with thoughts and feelings, and have such a strong I, there is seemingly no way I can live normal life as Not-I, though there are times, such as when digging sods, that tastes of the Not-I state appear. So it is possible. Good luck to you!


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