Nov 2, 2008

All Saints Day

Saints. I haven't heard of any saints who had a big ego, a big I. In fact, all of them I know about were pretty much living in a state of not-I; serving others, sacrificing, living love. Sure doesn't sound like much fun.

I also find it interesting that all saints from all religions describe the same mystical moments which would indicate they are experiencing the same reality/truth (the unity of the Holy Spirit, Buddha nature, Tao, Haiku God... whatever you want to call it), this truth being ultimate love/compassion. After all, God is supposedly love - that's why it's sad to hear so much hate coming from some "Christians" during this campaign. And sad too the amount of divisiveness, the us versus them game, the arguments based on falsehoods and ignorance. But that's what America seems to be about.

To be a saint or not to be?



Anonymous said...

not much fun maybe, but what's the alternative?

Editor said...

Eat, drink and be merry!