May 1, 2009

I (not-I)

Just thinking about the previous post, a question comes up about the difference between I and not-I awareness. As far as I go, I know I am awareness. I am awareness in the I-mode. I'm the subject of awareness, objects are what I am aware of. Now, by definition, I, as individual, cannot be the subject of not-I awareness (awareness as not-I, non-individual). So if I'm not aware, what is? Since there can be no individual subject, what's left? It could only be awareness itself. And what's the object?

From all reports of those who claim to have experienced the state of not-I, the object of not-I awareness is light, inexpressible love/compassion/bliss, void, and being one with all (sounds like Haiku God). Then the question arises, if one, can't we call this one an I? An individual one which encompasses all individuals? consists of all energy/awareness existent which is in effect one great individual unity? The I of “I am who am?” (the who ams being all individuals, including me).

It's getting kind of cloudy. Happy Mayday!

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