Mar 30, 2009


It's spring time, so I've changed colors.

Mar 28, 2009


Taos is different somehow - my theory is that spiritual energy from the earth is concentrated here by the mountains embracing the town on three sides. Add to that the male energy of the desert and abundant sunshine, and a serendipitous balance is achieved. Whatever it is, it certainly seems to affect people. Most report a feeling of peace, some a heightened awareness, some even "hear" a hum. I share those feeling, and have heard the hum, but I also find that I don't think as much as usual when I'm here. I seem to be more in the moment, just doing stuff. The world is removed. It's a nice way to live, though I sometimes wonder how virtuous it is. And it is certainly not conducive to writing blog entries!

Mar 2, 2009

Being I

Sometimes I wonder why I am going through all this theorizing concerning Haiku God. Surely it is an interesting intellectual endeavor, but that's the problem - it's intellectual, not experiential. Even if I come up with answers, they are meaningless unless I follow through on the conclusion - to let go of I, and live as not-I.

In the Christian tradition, it is "thy will not mine" - "thy will" being not-I, or love. It's letting not-I/love run my life rather than I following my feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. It is practicing virtue. Intellectually I realize this is the true path - practically, I will most probably continue to question, continue to think, emote and evade letting go of I. I like being I.
