Oct 25, 2008


I was asked how Haiku God feels about abortion. I would imagine compassion, since HG is compassion. But it is misleading to attribute feeling to Haiku God, because that would humanize It. It is the mother, the father and the fetus.

A lot of people believe abortion is murder. Murder is deliberate killing. To be killed, one has to be alive. So what is the definition of life? Is it just awareness and bodily functions (as a fetus)? Or must it include breath? The "breath of life" (Genesis 2:7) which makes man a living soul? So if a fetus doesn't have the breath of life, is it a living soul?

Whatever, it's abhorrent to most people. Which brings up another question, why does Man consider life to be so special? Why is Man any more special than Rat, Bird, Fish or even Insect? Or Tree? Probably because we can think (Man's original sin), so we think and feel we are more special, and it makes us feel good - kind of superior. And of course we (some of us anyway) were chosen by a god and given a chance to go to heaven (if we can manage to get saved), an opportunity which shouldn't be taken from any person.

But if you look at it deeply, what exactly is being saved? If I am saved, I continue to exist; as an individual spirit/soul, I cannot be not-I, and since heaven is the state of not-I, I cannot be in heaven. True salvation is I reverting to not-I (heaven), just as all other life forms (individualized awareness) do at death. Since there would be no I remaining, then there is nothing to save.

I sometimes think that an aborted fetus, who reverts to the state of not-I fairly quickly, is much better off than a person who gets "saved" and doesn't return to the One, but stays separate. Of course we are all part of the One already. We are not separate, it only seems that way.


1 comment:

Lee-Lee said...

and to reground the thought: it seems that people who preach against abortion should start taking care of all the unwanted children who already dwell in this world.