Feb 26, 2009

Planting by the Moon

What really gets me about Haiku God is the electromagnetic aspect of It. Last night, looking at the fire (electromagnetic energy), that's God! My desk light this morning – God! It just goes so beyond the “God” meme of my upbringing; the separate father/son – the persons. God as Burning Bush or Thunderstorm, no problem – individualized concentrations of electromagnetic energy. But God as energy coursing through a light bulb? Where's the personality? Haven't heard a light bulb talk yet.

Another disturbing corollary of Haiku God is that since we are all basically electromagnetic energy, we must therefore all be God (We just don't know it). So what do We do Now?

If You like to garden by the Moon, and if the Ground is workable, Today is a great Day to plant Peas. Lucky for Me, I can do It in the Sunshine.

Happy Losar.

Feb 8, 2009


There are two kinds of knowledge which concern us here. First is intellectual knowledge – words, ideas, concepts and beliefs, centered in the brain. This is individual “truth,” every one having their unique point of view, not always coinciding with Truth itself. It is I. It is a limited kind of knowledge.

Then there is experiential knowledge – beyond words, beyond comprehension by I; mystical, centered in the heart. This is universal Truth, the other side of Reality (both sides comprising Haiku God). It is Not-I.

So why read the Bible, Koran, or any other sacred book when the only thing you have to do in order to discover and experience Truth is to follow the golden rule? Then you don't have to believe or search any more, because you will know. Love. (Not- I).

Easier said than done (but worth trying?)!
